Polaris - Award Winners

Most solid solution for high power High-Wattage Gold PSU's



『As a conclusion to the Chieftec Polaris 1050W, it can be said that it was able to deliver an overall convincing picture in the test and to the good performance.』

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『Chieftec surprises once again! Polaris 1050 W is not a proposition for a wide audience, but it will certainly find its supporters - the power supply should be of interest to people looking for a good, strong and inexpensive model.』

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『it seems pretty clear that Chieftec is angling this Polaris series towards the high-end performance gaming consumer. While we will specifically be checking out the 850 watt variant in this review, both come packed with an exceptionally strong set of features and specifications that certainly make this stand out as a top-spec product designed for the knowledgeable and discerning consumer.』

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『The efficiency is again almost at the platinum level. The efficiency on the standby line is now even first class. All of the results are rock solid except for holdup time.』

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Hardware Cooking

『Concretely, this power supply delivers stable tensions, but for a price which positions it with strong competition』

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